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Farmed & Wild Oysters

Simply Oysters, we're proud to work with our oyster farms and fisheries, who responsibly and sustainably grow and harvest farmed and wild oysters to produce a natural food source for people now and in the future.

Let's take a look at the differences between farmed and wild oysters in the UK...

Farmed Pacific Oysters

The Pacific Oyster (sometimes referred to as the 'Rock' Oyster) is the most commonly farmed oyster in the UK and the world. In fact, the Pacific Oyster represents over 98% of all farmed oysters in the world today.

The Pacific Oyster is the preferred choice by almost all oyster farmers worldwide. The Pacific Oyster is robust, and takes 18 to 36 months to develop to market size. The time taken to reach market size is dependant on several factors, such as tides, nutrients, climates, weather etc.

The Pacific Oyster is grown and cultivated from seed to market size at licensed oyster farms, under labour intensive methods (known as 'Aquaculture'). These oyster farms are carefully chosen for their superior site location, brackish waters (salinity, nutrients, temperature etc.), tides, weather, climates and seasons.

Oyster farmers place juvenile oysters into nylon mesh bags (with smaller sized mesh), which allow plenty of water and food (pyhtoplankton) for the oysters to develop to market size; protect the oysters from predators; and enable the oysters to be cultivated by the oyster farmers. These bags are affixed to trestles (the traditional 'rack and bag' method) or floating long line systems.

The oysters, bags and trestles are situated at or near the surface of the water, where there is more nutrient and oxygen rich surface water; and the wave motion tumbles the oysters about, which helps to shape deep cup oyster shells. It's also easier for the oyster farmers to cultivate the oysters at 'waist height'.

As the oysters develop in size, the oyster farmers 'thin' them out, which means the oyster farmers place the oysters into less full bags (with larger sized mesh), which allows room for the oysters to develop further in size. This process takes place about six times, until the oysters reach market size. 

Once the oysters reach market size, they are taken closer to the shore for about two weeks, where they spend at least half the day exposed when the tide is out to 'harden off' prior to market.

After that, the oysters are sustainably harvested by the oyster farmers; then cleaned, purified, packed live to order and dispatched by the oyster farm's depuration and dispatch centre for market. Oyster farms must adhere to UK food, health and safety laws.

Farmed Pacific Oysters have shells that are typically thin-medium and hard, which is why they a re sometimes called 'Rock' Oysters. These oysters are usually the easiest type of oyster to shuck.

Farmed Pacific Oysters have a high meat-to-shell ratio; and are usually fresh and clean in flavour.

Farmed Pacific Oysters are abundant and sustainable; and are available for sale all year.

Wild Pacific Oysters

The Pacific Oyster is responsibly and sustainably farmed from waters in the UK (see 'Farmed Pacific Oysters' above). However, the Pacific Oyster is also wild and sustainably fished from certain waters in the UK.

Grown wild on the seabed, the Wild Pacific Oyster is robust, and takes 24 to 36 months to develop to market size. The time taken to reach market size is dependent on several factors, such as tides, nutrients, climates, weather etc.

Wild Pacific Oysters are hand-picked at low tide or fished by oyster fishermen.

Wild Pacific Oysters have shells that are typically thick and hard, which is why they are sometimes called 'Rock' Oysters). These oysters are usually straight-forward to shuck (but not as easy as Farmed Pacific Oysters); however, XL-XXL sizes can be more difficult to shuck.

Wild Pacific Oysters have a high to very high meat-to-shell ratio; and are usually earthy and/or complex in flavour.

Wild Pacific Oysters are abundant and sustainable; and are available for sale all year.

Native Oysters

The Native Oysters is almost always wild and sustainably fished from certain waters in the UK.

The Native Oyster is almost always never farmed as it is unreliable and uneconomic to do so. For example, the Native Oyster can be fragile and affected by marine and environmental factors (for example water salinity, water temperature, weather and seasons), which can increase mortality rates. Also, the Native Oyster takes a slow 48 to 60 months to develop to market size. Whereas the Farmed Pacific Oyster is robust and takes 'only' 18 to 36 months to reach market size.

The Native Oyster develops from seed to adult size in the wild on the sea bed, and has been fished from certain UK waters since Roman times. Today, these wild oyster fisheries are licensed, and include waters as diverse as: River Blackwater in Essex; Whitstable Bay in Kent; River Fal in Cornwall; and Loch Ryan in Dumfries and Galloway.

UK laws and conservation controls ensure that wild Native Oyster stocks remain sustainable for the future. For example, governed by ancient laws, Cornish Native Oysters and Fal Native Oysters may only be fished from the River Fal (which is part of the Truro Oyster Fishery) from 1 October to 31 March by licensed fishermen, who must use sail or oar vessels, and haul their catch aboard by hand or hand winch. No motor or mechanical power is allowed.

The Native Oyster is fished for sale from 1 September (at the earliest) to 30 April each year. This is known as the Native Oyster season (in other words, the months of the year that contain the letter 'r'). By law, Native Oysters cannot be fished for sale outside of the Native Oyster season.

Native Oysters have shells that are typically medium-thick and can be brittle. These oysters are usually the hardest type of oyster to shuck as the brittle shells can crumble as they are shucked (this is simply part of nature), which is one of the reasons only Native Oysters are used at the British and World Oyster Opening/Shucking Championships. 

Native Oysters have a medium meat-to-shell; and are usually fresh, clean and often complex in flavour with a copper/tin finish.

Native Oysters are sustainable; and are available for sale from September to April each year.

Whether farmed or wild - the oyster is a sustainable food source that's natural, nutritious and delicious!

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