Delivery days Tuesday to Friday. Our next delivery is Tuesday 11 February onwards.

Smoked Kipper: Whole (180-280g)

Smoked Kipper: Whole (180-280g)

Smoked Kipper Whole & Butterfly Filleted (180-280g approx)
Smoked Kipper (also known as Kippered Herring) is fresh filleted Herring that has been smoked, over oak and beech wood in a special smoker oven, by master smokers...

Herring are wild-caught from the North Sea, under responsible and sustainable techniques to ensure constant supply each year.

Smoked Kipper are salty, rich and smokey in flavour.

Available: All year.

In Stock: Yes. If possible, please order 2-3 days prior to delivery date, as fresh herring are prepared and smoked to order.

Size: Whole (180-280g approx). 

Smokehouse process
Fresh herring are prepared and salted. Next, the herring are placed in the cold smoke-box (further from the fire), and gently and slowly smoked for about 24 hours. After that, Smoked Kipper are removed from the oven to cool.

Packed fresh
Smoked Kipper are packed fresh to order in vacuum-sealed packs by the smokery in Maldon, Essex (Monday to Thursday), for next day courier delivery to our clients' addresses in mainland UK (Tuesday to Friday).

Store and consume
Store Smoked Kipper packs in the fridge for up to 10 days from delivery. Once pack is open consume within two days. Refer to storage instructions and use by date on pack. Smoked Kipper should warmed or cooked prior to consumption.

How to Store Smoked Kipper & Best Before Guide
Recipe idea: Smoked Kipper - popular for breakfast since Victorian times - can be baked, poached, grilled, or pan-fried and placed on a thick slice of toast, then topped with a poached egg (see photo above) or serve with scrambled eggs.

Ingredients: Smoked Kipper/Herring (fish). Whole, not filleted.

Mix & Match
One Courier Fee applies for this Product, and 'Other Products' shown below.

To order seafood under ONE COURIER FEE, scroll to the BOTTOM of THIS PAGE to see Other Products available from this producer or dispatch centre.

In Stock. Delivery to addresses in mainland UK (Tuesday to Friday). Choose delivery date at checkout. At the latest, order 2 days before delivery date.

Prices are per Smoked Kipper. Minimum order for Smoked Fish is £15.  Mix & Match this product with other Smoked Fish Products shown at the BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE.

  • Brand: Maldon
  • Product Code: SKIPPW
  • Availability: In Stock
  • £3.95
  • 3 or more £3.45